How we built text a $30M building business in 2 years


Avondale Homes is an innovative new player in the crowded home building market and we were front and centre in the development of the brand and the go-to-market strategy. We knew it had to possess a key differentiator from others in the marketplace, and take a digital first approach with a very limited budget to achieve some very impressive results that involved a total business transformation for the client.


The parent company, Q Coast Homes’ mission was to overcome barriers to growth and find a sector of the market relatively untapped allowing them to build a sustainable business loved by a niche market. Key challenges to overcome were:

1. A marketing budget 20x less than similar competitors
2. A crowded marketing space dominated by some of Australia’s biggest building brands
3. Being a total start-up with no brand recognition or equity


Primal Agency designed a customised all-encompassing digital first solution to marketing that worked as an eco-system to drive awareness, engagement and ultimately tangible opportunities to sell and start building their designs. The engagement involved creating and conducting the entire marketing strategy including creative design, web design and development, lead capture and nurture solutions, CRM, paid digital (Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube), content (video and written), SEO and event management.

Now dominating the acreage homes search space, Avondale Homes within 2-years are in the consideration set of customers looking to build luxury acreage homes alongside the likes of brands that have been established for 10-years plus like Stroud Homes, Metricon, G.J. Gardner Homes and Brighton Homes.








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